Saturday 7 May 2011

Learn from yesterday, Live for today, Hope for tomorrow!

Do you ever look in the mirror and ask yourself who is this person staring back at me? I do every morning. It's like after I've been to sleep I forget who I am. But when I do this declaration I remember who I am and what I'm worth. It's made me feel good.
I've had another good week. I think it's important to keep yourself busy even when you don't have a job. Otherwise you lose your self worth and respect. I've had another offer for a place to live, which is great. I think I'm going to go with this one. It just feels like things are falling in place. I feel like I'm taking a step forward in life. 

Sunday 1 May 2011

Positive thinking

So this has been a good week. I've put all my worries aside and decided to move forward in my life. I went to town and dropped off a few CV's and applied for some jobs online. I might not get a job from any of these, but it feels good to try. I have been in search for a place to live. And already I have an offer. It's amazing how fast things can happen. I can now tell you all, I have been called as the female YSA rep for my ward. And even though I am struggling with my faith, I feel that this is going to be a good thing. 
When times get hard, that's when you find out how many great people you have in your life. Last Sunday night, I felt miserable, but I had 3 great friends talking to me and comforting me. When I realised what was going on, it took the tears away and replaced it with a smile. It made me realise that people do care and don't want to see me hurt. 
I think I'm starting to understand what's going on in my head at the moment. I've come realise the reason why I feel like I'm falling apart is because things around me is falling apart. And I can't stop it, I can't control it. So I started to freak out. I felt useless and worthless, because there was nothing I could do about it. 
But now I've realised, instead of weeping about it, I can take control of my own life. 
A friend once told me that if you say a positive deceleration about you to yourself in the mirror, it will eventually build up my esteem and I'd start believing what I'm saying. So I've decided that each morning I get up I'm going to choose from the following declarations:


In all the world, there is no one else exactly like me
Everything that comes out of me is authentically mine
because I alone chose it -- I own everything about me
My body, my feelings, my mouth, my voice, all my actions, 
whether they be to others or to myself -- I own my fantasies, 
my dreams, my hopes, my fears -- I own all my triumphs and 
successes, all my failiures and mistakes because I own all of 
me, I can become intimately acquainted with me -- By so doing 
I can love me and be friendly with me in all my parts -- I know 
there are aspects about myself that puzzle me, and other 
aspects that I do not know -- But as long as I am 
friendly and loving to myself, I can courageously 
and hopefully look for solutions to the puzzles 
and for ways to find out more about me -- However I
look and sound, whatever I say and do, and whatever 
I think and feel at a given moment in time is authentically me 
-- If later some parts of how I looked, sounded, thought 
and felt turn out to be unfitting, I can discard that which is 
unfitting, keep the rest, and invent something new for that 
which I discarded -- I can see, hear, feel, think, say and do 
I have the tools to survive, to be close to others, to be pro-
ductive, and to make sense and order out of the world of 
people and things outside of me -- I own me, and therefore 
I can engineer me - I am me and


And the next one is.

I am a child of God. I am a good person. I am made in God's image. I am intelligent.
Today I will put all negativity behind me. I am loved. Today I will rejoice in my abilities. I have many talents. God loves me.
Today I have confidence. I am not a victim. I look forward to each new day. I no longer feel the need to control others. I will be who I am.
I affirm my worth and goodness. I am a loving person. I am a strong person. I am a friendly person. I am a capable person. I am not alone.
I am emotionally calm. I respect myself. I feel happy. I am at peace with myself. I am a responsible person. I can be playful.
I can trust all of my thoughts and emotions. I trust people. I make decisions confidently. Today I am a new person. I touch those near me with love and gentleness. I have a new awareness in my life.
I acknowledge my needs. I allow God to enter my life today. I trust in the serenity my God provides. I am calm and tranquil. I can face my fears and work to overcome them. I take full charge of my life today. I let serenity flow into my life. I feel appreciated today.
I can give to others with no strings attached. I accept my parents and affirm my independence from them. I am independent. I can meet new opportunities without fear. I am alert. I will not be intimidated. I am joyful.
I will seek out friends today. I am a friendly person. I am a good listener. I do not dwell on the past. I look for new challenges. I feel complete today.
I feel great hope. I feel great potential for myself. I feel surrounded by love. I can make things happen. I feel relaxed.
I am a resourceful person. I am non-judgmental. I am tactful in my dealings with others. I am learning to express my love. I feel good about myself.
I express my feelings. I make wise choices. I treat myself with kindness and patience. I am an important person. I am beginning to establish my limits.
I am in charge of my life. I forgive myself and others who have hurt me. I am a friend to myself. I can enjoy leisure without guilt and anxiety.
I can express my anger openly, honestly and appropriately. Today I view my childhood without 

shame. I open my heart to my inner child. I can handle criticism with ease. 

I am going to give this a try for a month and see if it will make a difference. 
It's a new month and new positive me.

Thanks for reading.